Territorial Occupation Battle(Land)

If you keep a real estate asset NFT Card, you can participate in the regional battle for land occupation and win a prize.

The territorial occupation battle takes place within the metaverse platform. Users need to own land or apartment (building) NFTs in the selected region to participate. They can grow their influence in the chosen region, either utilizing existing communities or establishing new ones. If you own an apartment (building) NFT, you can place it in the region under territorial occupation battle. The area of influence and benefits will change based on the grade of the apartment (building) NFT placed in that region. Depending on the grades of NFTs and land, users can gain various benefits in the territorial occupation battle. You can engage in battles with other players, occupy territories, or gain advantageous positions in battles against other users. When generating workers and soldiers in your influence, resources are consumed.

The consumed resources vary in value and time of acquisition based on the grades of NFTs. Users with higher-grade NFTs have more favorable conditions.

If you intend to invade and plunder another user's influence, it is recommended to check the grade of their NFT. Through plunder, you can acquire a portion of the opponent's rent. Users with lower-grade NFTs may risk having their rent reduced to zero, so it is recommended to pay attention to redevelopment.

(Note: METAGROUND pays rent once a week, so if you are plundered before the rent is paid, a portion of the rental income may transfer to the opponent.)

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